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bookfair: "in the grip of grace"

reading books is one of my passion.
but, yesterday's experience was a little overwhelming for me.
there are times when i want to read a book
but i would then find it hard to find any decent thing to read.
yesterday, we were given an opportunity to look for meaningful books we could have.
there are a lot of very good materials in the bookfair , and i found it hard to choose.
i'm not sure whether so many things interest me or nothing interests me at all.
i have spent my three hours going from one booth to booth,
browsing one book and another.

i ended up buying one book and a cd.

i bought max lucado's "in the grip of grace."

i guess i am in the mood for the devotional inspirational book types.
i was simply struck by the tag line:

"your Father always caught you. He still does."

when I showed this book to my rector ,so that he may give me the amount of money i would need to pay for this book, he smiled and
retorted, "this book is nice. It suits you." I just smiled back and took these words as an affirmation on how he knows me deep within. but then, i haven't started reading the book. and i can't wait opening the pages to begin once again the journey within, and into the Father.


About me


Calamba, Laguna, Philippines

I am a pilgrim by life's occupation, an accountant by bachelor's degree, a Tarlaqueño by place of birth, a Salesian by specific vocation, a teacher by profession, a student by formation, a writer by passion, a youth minister by life's mission, a son of God... My Philosophy of Life: "To be is to become" "To be is to hope"

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