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On Losing Control...

Oct. 29 (Sunday)

I never thought that renewal of profession is as important as celebrating one’s birthday. It’s striking when the community lets you feel that way. I prefer it to be private. Inter nos. Fr. Rector however insisted to have it with the seminarians as the audience – a sort of vocation promotion. But I think it’s too late for that. Eight sems have already left the seminary this semester for various reasons. And most of these young men are significant in my life, as I laugh with them, share their stories, listen to their problems and difficulties, play outdoor games with them. This mass exodus of the sems inevitably caused influences that could affect those who were left behind. Vocation is already scarce and yet those we have are shedding away. Is the life difficult? I admit it is! And so facing before these sems made me uncomfortable. I, too, struggle the difficulty of this life. What makes this life difficult? Control! We want to be in control. The life of a religious asks us to shed off our power. We are to allow God to take control. This is the difficulty. Losing one’s control means losing one’s security. Yet, this is what faith is all about. Faith at times moves me to foolishly give up my security. I am a fool for Christ. Yet, my faith assures me of that “full” Christ in me. As I renew my vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, I recognize that I am a fool before Christ. May the Lord, grant me that peace as I remain in the backseat. May the Lord take over. “Not my will, but yours be done.”

1 comment

Everyone, sinners or saints have struggles in life. This is brought about by the world that is unfair. The word total control is just an illusion. In reality it will never happen for God alone holds everything and He is fair and just.

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Calamba, Laguna, Philippines

I am a pilgrim by life's occupation, an accountant by bachelor's degree, a Tarlaqueño by place of birth, a Salesian by specific vocation, a teacher by profession, a student by formation, a writer by passion, a youth minister by life's mission, a son of God... My Philosophy of Life: "To be is to become" "To be is to hope"

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