Gospel Reflection from the Devil Wears Prada
Unlike us, Jesus is so keen to this. The devil is so slick that you would not know he is at work. The devil is in the details. He could even disguise himself as the angel of light. Such is the case in the film we watched last night, The Devil Wears Prada.
In this story a young woman named Audrey Hepburn who never knew about fashion nor the demanding fashion editor Miranda Priestly applied as her second assistant as a stepping stone for a journalism position. She experienced her boss` mood swings and slave driving demands, thus with some disappointment schemed on forcing her to quit the job. Audrey with the fear of losing her job and an eventual pleasing of her boss found herself slowly transforming with the help of one fashion director. She gets a complete makeover and never realizing that it was a makeover of her life. However, with her new appearance and the demands placed on her, she starts to lose her friends, family and her boy friend. She is whisked away to
No matter where we are, even in the world of fashion, the devil is at work. And the devil works as slither as a snake. You will be surprised finding yourself at the edge of the cliff. The devil feeds on our firm grip of our securities. We soon realize the irony that the securities we had been clutching on for so long are the very reasons of our demise and insecurities in life. Even in our personal relationships, the devil is at work if we are not that conscious about it.
Translated in modern times, The Devil wears Prada.