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Plea please...

I cannot hold myself but to react to the pressing problems in our society. Content of the newspapers these days shows mounting extra-judicial killings of people who may have a different paradigm of viewing the social context. It may be true that some of them may have gone overboard in expressing their disgusts and desperation to the socio-political system of our country. Killing them does not merit the right solution, as it aggravates the situation, provokes intense rage, and heightens hate and desperation from this group of people. The battle of idealism will eventually morph into translated real revolution. Thus, the cycle of hate continues to gear through the very pitiful state of our society.

The government is for the people and has a primordial responsibility in promoting human rights and dignity. Indeed, the government should work to end the extra-judicial killings that are happening around the country and the culture of impunity be put to an end by bringing to justice those who are responsible for these murders, whoever they may be.



Why is the author reactive?

a) He has a lot of personal projected issues that needs confronting…
b) He is undoubtedly a “leftist”…
c) He is not reactive; he’s just expressing his reflections…
d) He has the heart of a human person (obviously!)…
e) He has run out of thing to complain about…

Whoever answers correctly will win…

… roundtrip tickets for two to any NPA hideouts
… a dinner date with President George Bush
… a total cash of one million Mickey Mouse money.


let me venture a wild but enlightened guess...could it be ALL of the above? :p

Congratulations! It seemed you have guessed accurately and with firm certitude. You win a one-way ticket to heaven. Are you ready? 5... 4... 3... 2...


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Calamba, Laguna, Philippines

I am a pilgrim by life's occupation, an accountant by bachelor's degree, a Tarlaqueño by place of birth, a Salesian by specific vocation, a teacher by profession, a student by formation, a writer by passion, a youth minister by life's mission, a son of God... My Philosophy of Life: "To be is to become" "To be is to hope"

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