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16 Symptoms of a "Pathological Reader"

The following may not be proven scientific but may be held true. Facts are validated from personal experience.

“What is most personal is most universal.”

With these symptoms, others may find themselves resonating. They could be pathological too…

  1. You cannot sleep without reading even just a paragraph.
  2. You have consumed reading all books, magazines and all other reading materials at home.
  3. Since you have read all reading materials you could possibly perceive, you came to a point of waking somebody up at 2 AM just to borrow a book or any textual material for you to read and eventually sleep.
  4. Having left with nothing else to read at home, you resort to reading even the back labels of shampoo, of soap boxes and of other empty containers which people don’t normally read.
  5. You start reading “The Guinness Book of Records” from cover to cover.
  6. You start reading the dictionary from cover to cover.
  7. You start reading the telephone directory from cover to cover.
  8. You find yourself desperately reading Tagalog Romance Novels.
  9. You cannot perform your “ritual” at toilet without reading and “concentrating your excretory energy” at the same time.
  10. You spend two or three hours at a bookstore without buying a single book. (What else could you be doing there?)
  11. You entered the seminary thinking there are infinite numbers of books to read, yet refuse to read the twenty volumes of Biographical Memoirs of St. John Bosco.
  12. You slip into the Adoration Chapel at twelve midnight to pray and at the same time to read Archie Comics.
  13. You finished the epic trilogy of The Lord of the Rings including The Hobbit with your daily and more frequent sitting at your “toilet throne.”
  14. All the books, magazines and all other reading materials of your friends, companions, confreres and even of your superiors are on your desk.
  15. You have more books on your desk than the community library.
  16. Having read a lot of books, you realize that you have forgotten what you have read.

I’m not a bookworm. I’m just simply a voracious reader. I’m not a book lover. I just enjoy reading. I read not for supplemental knowledge or information, but simply to entertain myself.

What’s reading for? There are loads of answers for this question. But ultimately, we end up asking ourselves…



Liked this post... :) Me loves books! :) hehehe.. nice to hear from another John Grisham reader :)

thanks... i'm thrilled to also meet a lover of books... :)

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Calamba, Laguna, Philippines

I am a pilgrim by life's occupation, an accountant by bachelor's degree, a Tarlaqueño by place of birth, a Salesian by specific vocation, a teacher by profession, a student by formation, a writer by passion, a youth minister by life's mission, a son of God... My Philosophy of Life: "To be is to become" "To be is to hope"

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