On Enneagram...

“I am not at all surprised. He’s a number eight.”
“That dog is a number nine.”
If Victor Hugo’s Jean Valjean (marked and named as prisoner 24601 in Les Misarables) were real… he could have been killed us.
This is not about the enneagram fever. This is about how we have been fond of “labeling” people. “Labeling” and “Stereotyping” could lead to aggression.
It is amusing to suppose that the whole human population of the world (according to the International Programs Center, U.S. Bureau of the Census, the total population of the World, projected to 06/15/06 at 00:39 GMT (EST+5) is 6,522,229,536) could be classified to 9 personality types. That means there are about 724,692,170 like me under one type. What ever happened to that doctrine where every individual is unique and unrepeatable being? I know, of course, these are just classifications.
Am I raising this point to validate the intricacies of my complex personality? J I should know better.
The way I think of it, Enneagrams or other personality classification tests are just a measure of a specific aspect of a person's personality. You could never be just number 4 or number 6 all your life. You are number 4 and number 6, and you are also number 1 and number 2,3, 5, 7, and so on or traces there of.
People grow and change with the passage of time, you could be a number 7 years ago but you're now a number 6. If you let your life dictated by numbers of classifications then you'll never be able to fully know yourself and live a life to the fullest.
Has Jesus classified anyone by numbers or using Enneagrams? I think not.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 7:56:00 AM