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falling in love with... sports!

This afternoon we continued our basketball clinic. At a late age (the mean age of the brothers is 29), we went on reviewing drills on the basics of basketball: ball handling, dribbling, passing, defense stances. It’s quite uncomfortable for us “elderly” being watched by high school students doing these basic drills. These should have been done when we were much younger. But all is for us a good cause, anyway.

If I haven’t entered the seminary, I wouldn’t have learned to play basketball. I remember I was seven when I first attempted to join my peer group. Ten minutes later, my friends were already bringing me home due to difficulty of breathing. Though active when I was a child, I was fraught with blight of bodily and respiratory weaknesses. I had weaker stamina with periodic asthma attacks. I was discouraged from strenuous activities such as sports for 15 years.

I didn’t know then what I had been missing. I am thankful for the twist in my life. Though it’s a bit late, I have come to embrace an important facet to one’s childhood life --- that is to play, to play strenuously and sometimes rough. I don’t know what sort of miracle that had happened in me, but I could play an hour straight, running here and about without rest. My respiratory problems no longer bother me at all. And what is important is that I get to love sports, especially basketball.

I could not say I’m already good at playing… not yet. I still have dreams of going at par with Michael Jordan or Lebron James or Manu Genobili or Bro. Itchan.… I need to play harder and better. Just like in any talent, skill or anything for that matter, we need at least these three to excel: (1) passion, (2) hardwork, and (3) the right motivation.

Hmmm…. It seems that I’m lost in no. 3… gotta dig deeper…


About me


Calamba, Laguna, Philippines

I am a pilgrim by life's occupation, an accountant by bachelor's degree, a Tarlaqueño by place of birth, a Salesian by specific vocation, a teacher by profession, a student by formation, a writer by passion, a youth minister by life's mission, a son of God... My Philosophy of Life: "To be is to become" "To be is to hope"

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