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Love = Quality Presence

When you really love someone, you feel drawn to that person. It is as if you want to spend every moment with him or her. Love is best expressed with presence. For this reason, love can also be spelled as T-I-M-E.

Similarly, such is our prayer life.

I have never been so inspired and edified by anybody as by the example of my friend, a confrere, for his great piety. It is not only the consistency, nor also the depth of his practices of piety which I admire. His prayer is translated into actions, into how he lives his life, into how he effectively influences others through his daily interaction. I have been a witness to this. I know and I feel, through my daily encounter with him, that he is motivated deeply for him to attain such ascetic disposition. He loves the Lord so much.

And so I find myself confronted: How much do I love God? Why can’t I spend more time with Him? And even in the structured community practices of piety, why can’t I give Him that quality presence and full attention?

"O Lord, my God, teach me... when and how... to seek you... to love you."


ouch! i dunno how to give Him my time... :( i go to mass, pray something everyday, but i know that's not enough. hay...

yup, i understand... sadly, even in my situation right now, more has to be expected of me... in our daily routine and scheduled practices of piety of which i know i am faithful, i still feel that's not enough... there has to be that quality presence... that even just a minute, i know i had spent well with the Lord... strange... i love the Lord, but i still have to grow more...
please allow me to quote you, "hay..."

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About me


Calamba, Laguna, Philippines

I am a pilgrim by life's occupation, an accountant by bachelor's degree, a Tarlaqueño by place of birth, a Salesian by specific vocation, a teacher by profession, a student by formation, a writer by passion, a youth minister by life's mission, a son of God... My Philosophy of Life: "To be is to become" "To be is to hope"

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