Expect Nothing!
This is one lesson I won’t forget.
I am not downsizing expectations. Somehow these very acts give us a sense of direction and hopeful disposition. It is when we attach ourselves so firmly to these expectations that would open the portals to Hell.
How often do we find ourselves committing the suicide of anxiety? There are a lot of people to please: authorities who expects us to be… and to do…; relationships that tie and demand security and commitment; and above all our very own over-critical SELF who has been the worst slave-driver of all.
It’s not good to expect. Okay, I don’t mean that absolutely. SOMETIMES, it’s not good to expect. Other “wise” persons would say that it is good to expect for as long as you don’t attach yourself too much from that expectation. I think, that is difficult, if not inconceivable. When we expect, we put our heart, our whole being into it. We cannot say we expect something and don’t care about the outcome. Expectations involve the whole of us.
Leo Buscaglia, one of my best teachers taught me this. Expect nothing and you’ll find life with so many beautiful surprises. You enjoy all these as something good and new. When you expect, in spite the fulfillment of these expectations, you find yourself bored, because you already knew… you just simply waited. It is indeed more devastating when all our efforts of waiting and expectation result to nothing.
Life is full beautiful surprises. We allow ourselves to live the present and count our blessings.
Again, …easier said than done.