No Rewind, No Replay

just sharing one beautiful song of jose mari chan.
it stresses the point of treasuring "the moment,"
for the moment fleets so fast,
and soon you'll realize that it's gone...
the fact is...
there's no rewinding,
there's no replay.
cherish the moment,
and as the song would tell us,
"make these moments last right now."
No Rewind, No Replay
Jose Mari Chan
It’s 2am we’re lying in bed
Stillness all around there’s not a sound except in my head
Of happy songs children laughing
Kids celebrating youth like it never would end
Not long ago they sat on our knees
We drew cartoons, flew to the moon, trimmed christmas trees
But time has flown look how they’ve grown
Soon she’ll be you, and soon he’ll be.. like me..
There’s no rewinding no replay
The chance you lose today will be gone when it’s gone
We’ll never be quite as strong nor as young as this again
Make them last, make these moments last right now.
But time has flown look how they’ve grown
We’ll never be quite as strong nor as young as this again
Make them last, make these moments last right now.
Labels: joy and optimism, life, lyrics, song