it's a pain in the head to reflect after hearing leo san miguel's testimonies regarding the zte-nbn scandal after claiming that he had no direct knowledge of the alleged kickbacks. sen. lacson, i guess, was disappointed for the businessman's testimony. the senator seemed to be sure that he had a credible witness who would further disclose the "details of irregularities" of the zte scam. to his surprise, it was a turnabout. his testimonies may be a further neutralization of the testimonies of lozada and madriaga. this would spin a web of more confusion to the people.
i am amazed at his wit in answering every question of the senators. he's very learned in the art of answering, avoiding to commit a categorical statement. he answered pretty safely. this smoothness however makes him all the more suspicious.
is this a ploy of the administration to neutralize the attacks of his detractors and oppressors?
the plot thickens...
yet, if this story is real, i am not amused.
Labels: philippines, politics, social awareness