last day of catechesis: no catechesis
almost all of my student passed and are about to graduate this april (except for the 4 who had to stay behind because of backlog subjects). they have invited me for their graduation. it's a pity i couldn't come because it's in conflict with our scheduled annual retreat.
i handle 70 students, although 20 to 30 in average attend my class, considering it's scheduled at 1 PM at the most unholy hour of the day. according to them, they are one of the most notorious sections in the graduating class.
i would normally arrive in class at 12:45 PM, and i would not find any single soul in the classroom. it's very seldom when i meet students ahead of me, learning after that they had to go home for lunch yet.
at times, their last period of class in the morning would extend until 12:30 PM or somtimes beyond more. this would eat up my catechesis time. they had to go home to eat their lunch. some would skip my class because they want to sleep. some do not really want to attend at all.
i would observe that the few who regularly attend my class found in their conscience my efforts of being with them.
for the whole year i could say that we have only met for more or less 10 meetings (that would mean two and a half months regular class of one hour a week). i am supposed to discuss to them the 10 commandments. we only reached the fourth.
yet despite all these, i really enjoyed this year of catechesis. more than they have learned from me, i believe that i have learned a lot from them. i am not sure if all the things i have taught them would sink into them, or at least produce a minimal effect. but that is beyond my control. i would have to allow God's grace to work as i tried so hard to plant in them the seeds of the love of God.
yet, i have learned a lot from them. this experienced formed in me a different catechist compared form the previous years. i never scolded them. i never got angry at them. i learned how to understand their situation. i learned to become patient. i learned how to get down to their level. i learned how to reach out to them. i learned a lot from them personally as some would spontaneously open their life to me. i learned that what they long for: a friend who doesn't label, somebody on their side. i may not have captured all, though i really tried, but i have learned how to capture some hearts.
students in public schools, especially those belonging to the worse section are often neglected and labeled. these are the ones who needed more attention and appreciation. concretely, this experience allowed me to understand our option for the poor and marginalized. it takes a lot from me. i am a salesian, and this has to be lived by.
Labels: apostolate, catechesis, events, insights, introspection, reflection, youth