you are loved (don't give up!)
this song keeps playing on my head...
it was last played this morning during the remaining hours of the retreat of the 4-Kowalski.
for us undergoing struggles and difficulties, this song truly boosts us up to persevere life for the simple reason that we matter... and more importantly that we are loved!
Josh Groban
Don't give up
It's just the weight of the world
When your heart's heavy
I...I will lift it for you
Don't give up
Because you want to be heard
If silence keeps you
I...I will break it for you
Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved
Don't give up
Because you are loved
Don't give up
It's just the hurt that you hide
When you're lost inside
I...I will be there to find you
Don't give up
Because you want to burn bright
If darkness blinds you
I...I will shine to guide you
Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved
Don't give up
Because you are loved
You are loved
Don't give up
It's just the weight of the world
Don't give up
Every one needs to be heard
You are loved
br. rusty, this one's a very inspirational song. i hope we could sing this in our masses. it tells you never to give up no matter where you are (may you be in hell), or whatever your situation is (how down you are). it's very uplifting. i hope that more bosconians would be able to hear this. ^__^
Posted by
Mike Gallego |
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 7:40:00 PM