nobody is hopeless!
this is my reflection for yesterday's gospel.

"he's really like that."
"no doubt about it, she's the one."
"this person has never learned."
"you haven't changed at all."
the sad thing is that when we hear these kind of statements, we tend to prove them true. "we become what others say we are."
"they say i am lazy. but no matter how i try to be diligent, they always find me lazy. then, why be diligent at all?"
"why change when everyone seem to think that i could not?"
just because we have known a partial truth about people, we tend to box them. psychology tends to gravitate in this. sadly, with the advantage of knowing others, we then tend to contribute to their rot.
and for the victims, they resolved to remain as victims. they allowed themselves to be caught in this trap of non-progress. such are when people like to keep the status quo.
this sunday's gospel beautifully reminds me that this isn't so. nobody is hopeless. nobody is worthless. the calling of matthew is a proof that we can rise above our weaknesses. how consoling it is to have jesus see through our shortcomings and sinfulness. matthew who was once regarded as traitor and corrupt became the lord's follower, an evangelist, a martyr, a saint.
but it took the initiative, the courage and the compassion of jesus for this to happen, regardless of what others may say -- that he gets to be associated with these sinners. he went beyond the sinfulness of matthew and saw and drew out in him the best he could be .
this gospel is a shining example for all of us.
may we see the goodness in each of the person we meet.
just like jesus, may we bring out the best in people.