On Seeking Humility
How do I make myself to mellow down?
... to be humble
... not because people impose me
... not because situation call for me to...
I know humility is a grace from God,
and yet requires human effort.
How can I do that when I am clouded with frustrations and chained with pains?
How is that possible when I already see myself so low?
How could I make it when people already judge me as stubborn and proud?
How could I act on it without the intention of pleasing anyone?
How possible is that when it requires a bending of my nature?
How could I do that when it goes against the principles and beliefs I have held for so long?
Lord, help me to renew myself, to renew me within.
Quell the battle inside of me, Lord.
I really want to be simple.
Lord, teach me to love.