i lament....
… the attacks against the alleged “PAJERO BISHOPS,” and the leading assassination of the Church as an institution… how the media selectively report partial truths to highlight negative impressions, to sow seeds of doubt and discord, to lead people to accuse.
… this unfair trial of media, feasting more on the recipients than the source of this mess, aggrandizing the 7 pajero bishops more than the 20 ambulance vice-governor and the like.
… the diabolical propaganda, the connivance and conspiracy to put down the credibility of the Church, for sponsoring “leading” polls against Her.
… the hasty generalization in branding the whole clergy as corrupt, accusing that every one of them is the same… to the neglect of those who have been and still are faithful, those who have worked so hard to help people, those who have offered themselves totally, those who struggled so much to be holy.
… those journalists, columnists, commentators and the reactive, who think they knew so much, who think they have seen the whole truth, who think they have judged rightly, who think they are saints, who even cursed and commented against the pope for his hands-off policy on the matter.
… those who were easily swayed, those planning to be inactive in the Church, planning to switch to other religions and denominations, those who have given up on their faith… just where is your faith anchored on?
… this cancer of politiking, this growing infection of blind involvement, and the stinging blows of indifference!
the least we could do is to be informed… let us not allow ourselves to be easily manipulated by the unfair lenses of media… let us be vigilant against the threats of our faith, the growing anti-clericalism, the vicious attacks against the Church. And above all, let us pray for deliverance against the workings of the evil one!
Labels: church, conspiracy, lies, media manipulation, politics, random thoughts, social awareness, society, talking within